
About Ants
What do acrobat ants, odorous house ants, carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, and little black ants all have in common? They are all regular visitors to our Ohio yards and homes! What most homeowners have in common is that they will spot ants crawling across the surfaces of their homes at some point. Ants live outside but regularly move into our homes after being attracted by food or moisture.
Though ants are primarily a nuisance to contend with, some are a bigger deal to have in our homes than others. Take, for instance, the carpenter ant; they nest inside wood, and in our homes can make structural wood into their home, which will cause major structural damage over time. The pharaoh ant can spread many dangerous pathogens that can make people ill, including salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus. Keeping ants at bay is difficult because their small size allows them to move in and out of homes without any problem. Also, our trash cans, recycling bins, gardens, kitchens, and pantries provide them will access to all the food they need to maintain their colonies. Partnering with a professional and scheduling regular home pest control services is the best way to guard your home against these tiny household pests.
Use the following tips to stop our area's most common ants from taking over your Cincinnati property.
Inspect your home's exterior, especially the foundation, and seal any cracks you discover.
Make sure door sweeps are under all exterior doors.
Check that weatherstripping around your windows is in good condition.
Keep ants out of trashcans and recycling bins by ensuring lids are always on them.
Regularly vacuum your home to pick up crumbs and other food debris that will keep ants returning to your home.