How Big A Problem Are Flying Termites For My Cincinnati Property?
Home pest control in Cincinnati is often geared towards termites, and for good reason. Termites are prevalent in the area and account for a lot of property damage. In fact, according to some studies, termites damage 600,000 homes per year in the United States alone. This type of damage costs homeowners in the United States a collective five billion dollars! As such, Cincinnati residents would do well to arm themselves with knowledge on how best to deal with termites.
In Cincinnati, subterranean termites are the most common type of termite to infest homes. Subterranean termites cause the most damage to homes. They burrow into wood or beneath the ground to shield themselves from the elements. They create intricate mazes in which to live and raise their young.
What Are Flying Termites?
Termites live within colonies that consist of a king and queen, workers, soldiers, and flying termites. Flying termites, also called alates or swarmers, are sexually developed termites and are the only termites to possess fully functioning wings. These termites swarm or leave the colony to find a mate. Subterranean termites swarm in the spring, usually after a warm rain. Once subterranean termites find a partner, they land, shed their wings, and mate. The mated pairs then form a new colony of their own and can lay as many as 1,000 eggs per day!
Does Seeing Termite Swarms On My Property Mean I Have Termites?
Seeing a swarm of termites on your property can be quite an alarming sight. If you see a termite swarm, it is possible that you could have a termite nest in or around your property. A termite swarm isn't the only thing to keep a watchful eye out for. There are some other signs of a potential termite infestation that every property owner should be aware of, such as:
- Finding a pile of wings in your home: swarming termites shed their wings after mating. A pile of shed wings is a telling sign of a termite infestation.
- Hollowing sounding walls: since termites eat at the wood in your home 24 hours a day, seven days a week, their damage can leave your walls an empty shell.
- Buckling floors: termites have a tendency to erode the foundation of the homes they infest. They can hide beneath floors and nibble at the joists, causing the floors to take on a buckled appearance.
- Piles of feces that resemble sawdust near the nest: termites will push their droppings out of their nests as they burrow deeper into your home.
- Brittle, damaged wood that is very weak to the touch: as previously mentioned, termites destroy the structure of your home and can leave your house vulnerable.
- Tiny holes in drywall or maze-like patterns in wood: subterranean termites leave small holes and trails behind as they continue to tunnel through wood to expand their nests.
If you're worried about termites, you may scour your home for signs of termite damage and come up with nothing. These pests destroy homes over time, so signs of damage may be subtle at first. The best bet for proactive termite control in Cincinnati is to partner with the professionals at 1 Stop Pest Control.
How Often Should I Get Termite Inspections For My Property?
The best practice for Cincinnati homeowners to keep termites away is to maintain regular inspections on their property. Once a year is a good rule of thumb; yearly inspections performed by an expert will ensure that termites never surprise you.
What's The Best Way To Protect My Property From Termites?
The best way to protect your property from termites is to reach out to a professional, like 1 Stop Pest Control. We offer free termite inspections, so you never have to be left in the dark. 1 Stop Pest Control is reliable and dedicated to keeping Cincinnati residents pest-free. We offer inspections, treatments, and preventative measures that are catered to your home's needs. Give 1 Stop Pest Control a call today and defend your home against termites.